Category: Flood Study

How Winter Surveys Help Construction Projects Stay on Track

silhouette survey engineer working in a building site over Blurred construction worker on construction site

Construction projects thrive on careful planning and seamless execution. A delay in one phase can ripple through the entire project, causing missed deadlines and increased costs. For those who want to avoid unnecessary setbacks, winter land surveys offer a strategic solution. At BLAZE Design Inc., we know that staying ahead in the planning process is… Read more »

The Crucial Role of Flood Elevation Certificates by BLAZE Design

Flood in yard of residential property

In the dynamic landscapes of Vermont and throughout New England, where nature’s forces can shape the destiny of properties, securing development against flood risks is a paramount concern. Enter the Flood Elevation Certificate, a vital document provided by BLAZE Design Inc. Understanding Flood Elevation Certificates Flood Elevation Certificates are comprehensive documents that outline crucial information… Read more »

What is a Flood Study and Why is it Beneficial?

Flood in yard of residential property

Suppose you’ve found “the perfect setting” to build your dream house, and there’s a small stream out back. Before you buy the land, you should have a flood study done. One of the most important things a person or company should know before buying a property is whether or not it’s in a flood hazard… Read more »