Category: Planning a Land Survey

Site Planning Made Easy: How BLAZE Design Inc. Partners with Architects and Engineers

land surveyor working on commercial property with architects and engineers

Site planning is a critical first step in turning an ambitious vision into a tangible project. At BLAZE Design Inc., we understand the complexities of this process and the importance of a strong foundation—both figuratively and literally. That’s why we partner closely with architects and engineers to simplify site planning, providing the data, insights, and… Read more »

How Winter Surveys Help Construction Projects Stay on Track

silhouette survey engineer working in a building site over Blurred construction worker on construction site

Construction projects thrive on careful planning and seamless execution. A delay in one phase can ripple through the entire project, causing missed deadlines and increased costs. For those who want to avoid unnecessary setbacks, winter land surveys offer a strategic solution. At BLAZE Design Inc., we know that staying ahead in the planning process is… Read more »

The Importance of Land Surveying During a New Home Build

family getting land survey before new build

You have land, and you want to build a new home on it. The first thing you need to do is acquire a land survey before starting to build. It’s a complicated process when you have the desire to build on your land, especially a new house. Why Land Surveying is Important A Land surveyor… Read more »

The Crucial Role of Flood Elevation Certificates by BLAZE Design

Flood in yard of residential property

In the dynamic landscapes of Vermont and throughout New England, where nature’s forces can shape the destiny of properties, securing development against flood risks is a paramount concern. Enter the Flood Elevation Certificate, a vital document provided by BLAZE Design Inc. Understanding Flood Elevation Certificates Flood Elevation Certificates are comprehensive documents that outline crucial information… Read more »

The Future of Land Surveying: Embracing Technological Advancements

Land Surveyors conduct land use planning

In the ever-evolving field of land surveying, technological advancements have played a crucial role in revolutionizing the way surveys are conducted. As industries continue to embrace innovation, land surveyors are also leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and overall project success. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Remote Sensing: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, commonly known as… Read more »

How Land Surveying Enhances Construction Projects: The Key to Successful Site Planning

Surveying on the construction jobsite

Land surveying is an essential component of any construction project, playing a crucial role in ensuring accurate site planning and successful project execution. From identifying property boundaries to analyzing terrain features, land surveyors provide vital data that enables architects, engineers, and construction teams to make informed decisions. Establishing Accurate Property Boundaries Land surveyors utilize advanced… Read more »

Surveying in Snow: Getting Properties Surveyed During Winter

Land Surveyor in the Winter

Surveying a property in the middle of the winter when there is snow on the ground is certainly not ideal. Snow will often obscure land markers and make it difficult for surveyors to see the property they are surveying. But a land surveyor should be prepared to work in any kind of weather to get… Read more »

Instances Where a Land Survey Proves Useful

Land surveying during construction

At BLAZE Design Inc., not only do we think land surveying is needed for any major land-related undertaking, but also, it can prove useful in a handful of scenarios that many people do not immediately think of. Here are a few instances where it’s good to have a land survey done: Construction Projects Most municipalities… Read more »

Buying New Land? Have a Land Use Planning Survey Performed

Land Surveying for newly purchased land

There’s so much that goes into buying new land to build a home or commercial structure on. We wish it were as simple as buying the land, signing on the dotted lines, and starting the building process, but unfortunately it’s far from it. With so many factors to consider, such as drainage, stability concerns, traffic… Read more »

When You Need a Topographic Survey

Surveying for residential property

A topographic survey offers an ideal way to identify and map the surface features of the terrain in a given area. This very accurate system accounts for all of the existing objects in the area, from major features like trees, buildings and streets to every smaller item including manholes, retaining walls and utility poles. These… Read more »