Land Surveying and Urban Planning: Shaping Sustainable Cities

BLAZE Design land surveying

As the world becomes increasingly urbanized, the importance of effective urban planning and sustainable development is more crucial than ever. At the heart of successful urban planning lies the expertise of land surveyors. These professionals play a vital role in shaping sustainable cities by providing accurate spatial data, assessing land suitability, and guiding development decisions…. Read more »

The Future of Land Surveying: Embracing Technological Advancements

Land Surveyors conduct land use planning

In the ever-evolving field of land surveying, technological advancements have played a crucial role in revolutionizing the way surveys are conducted. As industries continue to embrace innovation, land surveyors are also leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and overall project success. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Remote Sensing: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, commonly known as… Read more »

How Land Surveying Enhances Construction Projects: The Key to Successful Site Planning

Surveying on the construction jobsite

Land surveying is an essential component of any construction project, playing a crucial role in ensuring accurate site planning and successful project execution. From identifying property boundaries to analyzing terrain features, land surveyors provide vital data that enables architects, engineers, and construction teams to make informed decisions. Establishing Accurate Property Boundaries Land surveyors utilize advanced… Read more »

Benefits of Land Surveying in Settling Property Disputes

Land surveying helps determine where your property lies

Property disputes have been around as long as there has been property—unfortunately, arguments over what belongs to whom, and what a specific property’s boundaries entail, is part of our human nature. But it doesn’t always have to be this way. With new land surveying methods, we can avoid the delays and detriments that property disputes… Read more »

Past Mistakes that Land Surveyors Have to Fix

Land surveying on a residential property

Land surveying is done by licensed professionals with experience and training in the field. When a land surveyor comes in to conduct a survey, they may come across errors and past mistakes that they have to research and fix. The resume that BLAZE Design brings to the table is over 30 years of experience and… Read more »

Common Misconceptions Surrounding Land Surveying

Determining property lines in a land survey

Having your land surveyed can give you an idea about where the definitive boundary of your property lies. This can come in handy if you are interested in installing any type of addition to your property, including storm water management systems or fences and so much more. However, there are many myths contiguous to land… Read more »

Surveying in Snow: Getting Properties Surveyed During Winter

Land Surveyor in the Winter

Surveying a property in the middle of the winter when there is snow on the ground is certainly not ideal. Snow will often obscure land markers and make it difficult for surveyors to see the property they are surveying. But a land surveyor should be prepared to work in any kind of weather to get… Read more »

Hire a Land Surveyor Before Construction

There is a lot of preparation that goes into getting ready for a big construction project. You obviously need to design the structure that you are going to build. You also need to obtain the materials you will use in order to get your construction underway. One of the most important steps that you will… Read more »

Instances Where a Land Survey Proves Useful

Land surveying during construction

At BLAZE Design Inc., not only do we think land surveying is needed for any major land-related undertaking, but also, it can prove useful in a handful of scenarios that many people do not immediately think of. Here are a few instances where it’s good to have a land survey done: Construction Projects Most municipalities… Read more »